Quantum Speed Test doesn't match expectations
Enthusiast - Level 2

I recently upgraded to Quantum for Internet speed, but I never get more that 20 MB download and 18 MB upload, whether I am connected via wire or wireless.  I've run the test in the middle of the night, and first thing in the morning.  I've restart6ed the router and every machine on my home LAN.  If there's a way to validate the service is working to my address that would be great.

1 Reply

@scang wrote:

I recently upgraded to Quantum for Internet speed, but I never get more that 20 MB download and 18 MB upload, whether I am connected via wire or wireless.  I've run the test in the middle of the night, and first thing in the morning.  I've restarted the router and every machine on my home LAN.  If there's a way to validate the service is working to my address that would be great.

Plug a laptop or other computer directly into the router, and then run the speed test. Call tech support and have them make sure your service was actually provisioned for what the upgrade called for. If billing shows the upgrade, it should be an instant fix.

For wireless, read this excellent thread.
