Occasional cable issue with no sound
Enthusiast - Level 3

Sometimes, when I turn on my TV, there will be no sound from the FiOS box, and the audio bar will be stuck on the screen and say "fixed". The only way to fix it and get the sound back is to unplug and reboot the box.


I've gotten a new box and continue to have the same issue. This is with the main FiOS tv one box (not a mini).


It seems like a software issue with the box. It only happens when I turn the TV on, and the remote turns on/off both the box and TV, so I wonder if it's some issue to do with them both turning on at the same time.

Here's a video of the issue. I also checked the diagnostic menu and it shows the cable box stuck on mute even though it shows fixed on max volume.


Anyone else have an issue like this?


Video: https://youtu.be/Clk44rmcgSc

54 Replies
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@bstpeg1 wrote:

Sometimes, when I turn on my TV, there will be no sound from the FiOS box, and the audio bar will be stuck on the screen and say "fixed". The only way to fix it and get the sound back is to unplug and reboot the box.


I've gotten a new box and continue to have the same issue. This is with the main FiOS tv one box (not a mini).


It seems like a software issue with the box. It only happens when I turn the TV on, and the remote turns on/off both the box and TV, so I wonder if it's some issue to do with them both turning on at the same time.

Here's a video of the issue. I also checked the diagnostic menu and it shows the cable box stuck on mute even though it shows fixed on max volume.


Anyone else have an issue like this?


Video: https://youtu.be/Clk44rmcgSc


First, you SHOULD have the volume control set to fixed. Check here:

Main Menu > Settings > Audio & Video > Audio>Volume Control>Fixed

Next check here, and make sure you DISABLE audio selection.

Main Menu > Settings > Audio & Video > Audio > Audio Selection>Disable

You may also need to disable:

Main Menu > Settings > Audio & Video > Video Settings > TV Input Control>Disable

Enthusiast - Level 3

That's already how I have my settings. I was just changing from Fixed to Variable in the video in order to demonstrate that the box ends up in a weird state where the volume is stuck on mute despite it showing that it's fixed at max volume (and changing to variable doesn't even affect what's displayed on the audio bar).

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@bstpeg1 wrote:

That's already how I have my settings. I was just changing from Fixed to Variable in the video in order to demonstrate that the box ends up in a weird state where the volume is stuck on mute despite it showing that it's fixed at max volume (and changing to variable doesn't even affect what's displayed on the audio bar).

Any chance the box is plugged into an ARC input on your TV? Try changing the input if it is and see what happens.

Also try this:

Main Menu > Customer Support > Top Support Tools > Fix FiOS TV Issues

Main Menu > Customer Support > Top Support Tools > Self Diagnostics

Could also be CEC settings in the TV menu that are conflicting with the Fios box. Try disabling CEC on the TV.

Have you tried dumping the programming on the remote and reprogramming it?

Main Menu > Settings > Voice Control > Fios TV Voice Remote > Program Fios TV Voice Remote

First use Reset Remote setup. Reboot Fios box. Go back in and try a MANUAL setup, this time choosing which TV you have, instead of letting the box decide. Again reboot box after making the changes.

Enthusiast - Level 3

It's not plugged into an ARC port - my soundbar is using the ARC port.

The self diagnostics had no issues.

The "Fix FiOS TV Issues" workflow ran and I'll see if the issue happens again, but I've had FiOS tech support agents reset my box multiple times so I'm not optimistic.

The CEC function on my TV can only be turned on/off for all inputs, and if I turn it off I can't use my soundbar over ARC so that's not an option.

I've reprogrammed my remote multiple times, most recently manually using my TV's model number.

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@bstpeg1 wrote:

It's not plugged into an ARC port - my soundbar is using the ARC port.

The self diagnostics had no issues.

The "Fix FiOS TV Issues" workflow ran and I'll see if the issue happens again, but I've had FiOS tech support agents reset my box multiple times so I'm not optimistic.

The CEC function on my TV can only be turned on/off for all inputs, and if I turn it off I can't use my soundbar over ARC so that's not an option.

I've reprogrammed my remote multiple times, most recently manually using my TV's model number.

So does the Fios box plug directly into the TV or does it loop through the soundbar? Any chance there is an occasional conflict with the soundbar? Can you disconnect the soundbar for a while and see if the Fios box screws up again?

Enthusiast - Level 3

My cable box is plugged directly into the TV via HDMI. The TV's only HDMI-ARC port is used for sound out to the soundbar.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have the exact same problem. I have a Samsung TV if it matters. I turn on the TV and switch inputs to the TV One. There is no sound and the fixed audio bar is stuck on upper right of the screen. Only a reboot will work. I think I found a solution (as opposed to the fix). I changed the Auto-Power off to the OFF position. So, when I switch to the input, the box is already powered on. So far, this has worked since I changed the settings yesterday. I am glad to know returning the box will do no good because I was wondering if the box was defective.

Here is a copy of the post I made in dslreports.com (EDIT:I don't know why the images don't show up?



So, I usually only watch TV with my TiVo Bolt. Because of the Olympics being in 4K, I was checking a channel and I had no volume. This "Fixed" image was frozen top right of screen.


So, I rebooted the VMS 4100 box (Ver. APR-7.11) and the sound came back. A few days later, I go to the input and I find the same frozen image and no sound. A reboot fixed it again. I tried every audio setting I could find and nothing would change.

Here is the original view with no sound:


Here is the view after a reboot WITH sound, and no Fixed 30:


Submitted images are queued for approval by a moderator. Once approved, they will appear. 🙂

Enthusiast - Level 2

OK, Thanks!

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@PL10 wrote:

I have the exact same problem. I have a Samsung TV if it matters. I turn on the TV and switch inputs to the TV One. There is no sound and the fixed audio bar is stuck on upper right of the screen. Only a reboot will work. I think I found a solution (as opposed to the fix). I changed the Auto-Power off to the OFF position. So, when I switch to the input, the box is already powered on. So far, this has worked since I changed the settings yesterday. I am glad to know returning the box will do no good because I was wondering if the box was defective.

Here is a copy of the post I made in dslreports.com (EDIT:I don't know why the images don't show up?



So, I usually only watch TV with my TiVo Bolt. Because of the Olympics being in 4K, I was checking a channel and I had no volume. This "Fixed" image was frozen top right of screen.


So, I rebooted the VMS 4100 box (Ver. APR-7.11) and the sound came back. A few days later, I go to the input and I find the same frozen image and no sound. A reboot fixed it again. I tried every audio setting I could find and nothing would change.

Here is the original view with no sound:


Here is the view after a reboot WITH sound, and no Fixed 30:

I know a while back there WAS an issue with Samsung firmware updates that caused problems with the Fios box. You might want to check on a firmware update for your TV. Your method of leaving the Fios box powered works by not having to reset the handshake between the TV and Fios box every time you switch to it. Also repost to here: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/vzdirect . That will give Tech support a heads up on the problem.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Ok, Thanks @clem53

Enthusiast - Level 3

Unfortunately, the FiOS TV one remotes only have a single power button which turns on/off both the TV and the box, so even if the box doesn't turn off on its own after a period of time, it ends up turning on and off frequently whenever my TV turns on/off.

>I know a while back there WAS an issue with Samsung firmware updates that caused problems with the Fios box. 

There are no new updates available for my TV. Regardless of the Samsung firmware, it shouldn't be possible for the FiOS box to end up in a state where it's locked on mute and yet displaying 30/30 volume. Samsung firmware or something else may be triggering this, but this demonstrates an issue with the box itself.

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@bstpeg1 wrote:

Unfortunately, the FiOS TV one remotes only have a single power button which turns on/off both the TV and the box, so even if the box doesn't turn off on its own after a period of time, it ends up turning on and off frequently whenever my TV turns on/off.

>I know a while back there WAS an issue with Samsung firmware updates that caused problems with the Fios box. 

There are no new updates available for my TV. Regardless of the Samsung firmware, it shouldn't be possible for the FiOS box to end up in a state where it's locked on mute and yet displaying 30/30 volume. Samsung firmware or something else may be triggering this, but this demonstrates an issue with the box itself.

The only other thing I can think of is some sort of handshake issue with the Fios Box and the soundbar. Can you try hooking the soundbar up with an optical cable instead of HDMI? Or try unhooking the soundbar for a trial, and see if the problem still exists. Also make sure yo post to the Fios Direct forum on DSL reports. They'll be able to analyze the issue from the Tech side.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Which forum exactly are you referring to? This one?

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@bstpeg1 wrote:

Which forum exactly are you referring to? This one?



Or you can get support on Twitter.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thanks. I posted there.

Enthusiast - Level 3

After going back and forth with VZ_Direct on DSLReports a few times, they told me to reach out on Twitter or Facebook for further support. This doesn't seem promising.

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@bstpeg1 wrote:

After going back and forth with VZ_Direct on DSLReports a few times, they told me to reach out on Twitter or Facebook for further support. This doesn't seem promising.

I'll try with one of my contacts to see if there is anything else to do.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Sounds like the exact same issue I'm experiencing. I also have a Samsung TV FWIW.

I've always had the auto power-off turned off on my TV, so for me it's seemed unrelated.

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Support says they have seen the issue and are working on a fix. Don't have a timeline for you though. Hang in there.