Dvr not recording
Enthusiast - Level 1

Recently had some power outages due to bad weather. My dvr erased all my shows and scheduled recordings. Tried rebooting and nothing. Set all my shows back up and nothing will record. Tried to manually record a show and it says my dvr is full. Called customer service, it said the wait time was 9-14 minutes, I hung up after 57 minutes.

2 Replies
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Community Leader

What model STB?

What does it show currently for spare space?

If you are watching a show and hit record, do you get any messages?

Enthusiast - Level 1

Model MTRS VMS1100

0% space used

When I hit record on any show it would say the hard drive was full.

Tech support ran some tests and reboots and decided the Hard Drive was bad. I went and swapped it out at my local Verizon store.