Set top box blinking light, not working. Customer service MIA

We lost power for 2 hours this afternoon, and when it came back on the DVR box was not working. There is a white light that blinks constantly, then it'll turn to 8888 so it looks like it's resetting, but then it goes back to the white light. This has cycled constantly since the power came back. Our other box works fine, but since it's not a DVR, we can no access any shows. The box is model: QIP7232-P2.

Am hoping someone here might be able to help as it seems that customer service has taken a holiday or something. I have been on hold off and on for the past 4 hours. First call said 6-9 minute wait... it was 35, I finally hung up. Second call said 7-11 minute wait....that was 2.5 hours, I hung up. Third call is 35 minutes and counting. Extremely frustrated. Thank you.

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This issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent.