Need instructions for replacing battery
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hey, all.

The "Replace Battery" light is lit on my ONT, and it is (of course) doing that annoying beeping noise.

Since the only way to permanently stop the beeping is to disconnect the battery, I'd like to do that.  Unfortunately, none of the instructions I've seen online, or gotten from Verizon customer service, have applied to my specific ONT model.

I have a Motorola ONT1000GJ2  (Yes, GJ, not GT, I've checked repeatedly).  I *think* the battery is in the upper section of the housing, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get to it.

If anyone has achieved this blessed state of affairs of actually getting to this battery, could you be so kind as to fill me in on how?

Thanks in advance!

1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 2

I am providing my own answer to this question, as the community didn't come up with an answer, and Verizon customer "service" (and I use the term extremely loosely in this regard) was the exact opposite of helpful.

Looking at the picture above, on the far right-hand side, there are two recessed hex-screws, one above the other.  To access the battery compartment on this particular model, leave the lower screw tightened, and loosen the upper screw.  Don't worry about it falling out: I'm pretty sure it's a "captive" screw, and so cannot be fully removed.

Once you have the screw loosened, pull outward on the upper right corner of the box.  You may have to lift up at the same time, if it hangs up on you.  (In order to lift up on it, put a finger or thumb in the screw's recess, and push upward).  Continue to jiggle and pull, and eventually the stupid thing will come open.  Once you've got it open, removing the battery and then the battery clips is the same as in the videos they've provided:  Pull back the tabs to slip the battery out, and then wiggle the connectors off the battery posts.

WARNING:  The battery is several pounds in weight, and the wires are not all that long.  If you have to stretch to get to your unit like I do (mine is mounted above my washer/dryer), you will benefit from a helper, so they can hold the battery while you remove the battery connectors.  I know I struggled a bit trying to do it alone.

Thanks to those who attempted to help me.  I hope this is able to help someone else in the future.

Oh, and one more piece of info:  Verizon "customer service" will repeatedly tell you the only official way to make the unit stop beeping is to replace the defective battery with a new one.  They have to utter the word "official", because otherwise, you can accuse them (accurately) of lying.  The unit will stop beeping as soon as you disconnect the old battery.  They, of course, want you to spend $30+ buying a new battery from them, so they will not tell you this.  If, like me, you have no desire to replace the battery, rest assured, the unit will stop annoying you once you've got the old battery out of it.  The "Replace Battery" light will remain on, but the audible warnings will end.

View solution in original post

8 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Post a picture. The case that it is in can vary.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Here is a picture of the ONT1000GJ2.  Sorry for the lighting, it's not a great camera on my phone.  As you can see, the Replace Battery light is still on.  I have tried loosening the upper screw there on the right-hand side, but this doesn't seem to allow me to open the top; when I tried to pull open the top, it seemed more like I was pulling the entire unit off the wall.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I am providing my own answer to this question, as the community didn't come up with an answer, and Verizon customer "service" (and I use the term extremely loosely in this regard) was the exact opposite of helpful.

Looking at the picture above, on the far right-hand side, there are two recessed hex-screws, one above the other.  To access the battery compartment on this particular model, leave the lower screw tightened, and loosen the upper screw.  Don't worry about it falling out: I'm pretty sure it's a "captive" screw, and so cannot be fully removed.

Once you have the screw loosened, pull outward on the upper right corner of the box.  You may have to lift up at the same time, if it hangs up on you.  (In order to lift up on it, put a finger or thumb in the screw's recess, and push upward).  Continue to jiggle and pull, and eventually the stupid thing will come open.  Once you've got it open, removing the battery and then the battery clips is the same as in the videos they've provided:  Pull back the tabs to slip the battery out, and then wiggle the connectors off the battery posts.

WARNING:  The battery is several pounds in weight, and the wires are not all that long.  If you have to stretch to get to your unit like I do (mine is mounted above my washer/dryer), you will benefit from a helper, so they can hold the battery while you remove the battery connectors.  I know I struggled a bit trying to do it alone.

Thanks to those who attempted to help me.  I hope this is able to help someone else in the future.

Oh, and one more piece of info:  Verizon "customer service" will repeatedly tell you the only official way to make the unit stop beeping is to replace the defective battery with a new one.  They have to utter the word "official", because otherwise, you can accuse them (accurately) of lying.  The unit will stop beeping as soon as you disconnect the old battery.  They, of course, want you to spend $30+ buying a new battery from them, so they will not tell you this.  If, like me, you have no desire to replace the battery, rest assured, the unit will stop annoying you once you've got the old battery out of it.  The "Replace Battery" light will remain on, but the audible warnings will end.


Thanks for the info! I too have this model and got nowhere with service. Was guessing as to which compartment the battery was in and almost took it off the wall trying to take each cover off. Haven't tried it yet but will let you know what happens. BTW... Amazon has the exact same battery for 25 bucks..


This is EXCELLENT help. I was online yesterday with a Verizon support person who -- after checking with his "resources" multiple times while I was on hold multiple times -- finally ended up telling me my Motorola Model ONT 1000GJ4 did not have a battery in it! This is spite of the fact that it has a Battery light (not lighted), a Replace Battery light (red) and was making the beep. I was told 1) ignore the beeping and 2) stop it by pressing the blue SILENCE ALARM button if the noise starts again.

The Verizon helper would not let me give him the model number of my ONT even though I offered several times. In addition, after I finished talking with support for 45 minutes I received an email telling me I need to replace the battery! When I clicked on the link in the email that took me to instructions on locating the battery, my unit was not among the dozen or so shown.

I will shop online for a battery and install it per your excellent instructions. Thanks for your help!

Community Leader
Community Leader

Keep in mind that bettery only supports phone service.

So if you are ok without phone service during a power outage, no reason to replace.

Master - Level 1

You need to open the top section. I use a 3/8 in driver. Undo the battery connection and pull out the battery.

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