Refund via Prepaid Mastercard
Enthusiast - Level 1

I discontinued my service and am expecting a refund of $273.85. I received an email saying that I'll be receiving the refund in the form of a prepaid Mastercard. 

I think this is a terrible method of refunding. I would have very much preferred that the credit card account that I've been using to pay my monthly bill [for several years] would have been credited this amount instead. It forces the user to track the balance on the account, and I suspect that Verizon saves money if the entire balance of the card is not used.

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If you closed your account they may not have easy access to the credit card info you have used.

And a prepaid card is probably easier than cutting a check.

Good thing is that I have found that you can use these cards until they run out.

Most places will take the card.  If you have less than the full amount on your card, they clear the card. Then you can use another form of payment to complete the purchase.

Grocery stores are good about doing it for sure.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am currently experiencing the same thing.  I cancelled service back on the first week of September.  Today is October 28, and I still didn't get the refund.

After 3 chat sessions, and a phone call lasting over 20 minutes I got told they sent me a "wirecard" with the refund on it.

Look. I PAID you in currency!  

I don't think you would accept giftcards as a form of payment from me.  Why would you expect me to want that as a form of payment from you?

I think they do this intentionally just to make it more difficult to get your money back!

You could have done a e-deposit, or printed me a check so that i could deposit the money in my bank and paid a different bill.

Instead I'm going to have to drag this stupid card around, and keep track of the balance until I use it all.

I'll bet they even charge you fee's if you don't use it all within a specified period of time!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am discovering this as well. I notified my intention to discontinue my service on 12/2/19 with the discontinuation date of 12/23/19. Verizon charged the full monthly fee to my credit card on 12/30/19 for the period from 12/16 to 1/15, and has now send an email telling me that they are mailing the refund via prepaid mastercard to my new address. This is a blatant attempt to create additional hurdles to get the refund money back. Why can't Verizon refund to my CC? Its easier (will save them postage to mail the prepaid card) and is more convenient for me! When will these telecoms learn to stop screwing the customer!!!


It’s probably because the credit card companies charge verizon fees to refund back to your account. However I never give any company free access to my funds.

you should have stopped it at your bank immediately after you cancel. It’s best to cancel prior to your closing bill date since verizon bills in advance. If you have not cancelled auto pay call up the bank or credit card company and verizon to remove it.

you can always do a single charge back for what they took. However verizons policy is no prorated refunds on internet only accounts. 


Same here. Total scam! Is this the same Wirecard that filled for bankrupty because the CEO disappeared with $2BILLION??? Still haven't received my refund

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same for me. This is make me mad.

$125 to prepaid Mastercard. Card have 3$ monthly fee. Like WHAT? Did I ask for this? Did you make it clear when I started service that the money will be return like this? I paid you from my card. How sending me this useless peace of plastic is easier than send me check via email/USPS? Next time just send me the map to the treasure lol.

They really ISSUED Mastercard card and paid their money for this to make sure you won't spend the whole balance and this is going to be their PROFIT.

I don't now how this is even not illegal. Imagine in grocery shop charged you accidentally for 50 more dollars and promise you to give you lottery ticket for this instead of money. I really thought to move to Verizon mobile from T-Mobile, but no way I am going to do this now.

Enthusiast - Level 1

 I only changed the name on my account, which took me three calls to straighten out. I was being charged for two accounts at the same address. After finally getting someone to understand this problem, I was told to expect my refund by 6/16/22. I only received a letter from Verizon with the account refund, which is $4.00 less then what I paid. I called on 6/20/22 to find out where the refund was and now I'm told it takes 2 weeks after the closing of an account and I would get a debit card!  Horrible set up for doing business. 

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