SPAM email after turning on voicemail notifications
Enthusiast - Level 2

I recently turned on notifications to my email when someone leaves a voicemail on my digital voice mailbox. A day later I started and continue to get spam email, like over a dozen to two dozen a day, I’ll have to count the exact amount but it’s very annoying. Has anyone else experienced this? I have not used the mail address on any other sites or services so I know for a fact that this is Because of entering my address on the Verizon site. Do we know if Verizon is selling our addresses? If so this is such a serious problem. Thanks to anyone that may be able to help. 

3 Replies

@DJDarkGift wrote:

I recently turned on notifications to my email when someone leaves a voicemail on my digital voice mailbox. A day later I started and continue to get spam email, like over a dozen to two dozen a day, I’ll have to count the exact amount but it’s very annoying. Has anyone else experienced this? I have not used the mail address on any other sites or services so I know for a fact that this is Because of entering my address on the Verizon site. Do we know if Verizon is selling our addresses? If so this is such a serious problem. Thanks to anyone that may be able to help. 

The spams are actually going to your email or are they phone calls?

the scammers and spammers do robo dialing, number spoofing, dictionary attacks which result in both spam mails and spam calls. 

You can use a service like nomorerobo or others both free and paid. I understand Verizon places spam in front of the caller ID to alert you.

its not just you it’s everyone.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Sorry if I did not make things a little clearer. I went into my Verizon Digital Voice Settings via the Verizon Website and turned on E-Mail Notifications for when a Voicemail is left in our voice mailbox and entered my e-mail address to be used for the notifications to be delivered to. I did start receiving emails for the times that voice messages were left in our voice mailbox and pretty much around the same time I started getting SPAM Solicitation Emails in groups of a few scattered throughout the day which number in total from one to two dozen. Like I stated in my original post, I HAVE NOT used that email address that I used for delivery of my Verizon Digital Voice Voicemail Notifications on Any Other Websites, so I thought I would post a question regarding it here before I start doing detective work and backtracking the emails from the companies being solicited, to the one sending the emails and how they in fact obtained my email address. I just find it extremely strange that within a day of me entering said mail address on the Verizon site and only the Verizon site, that this quite annoying problem with the spam mail started. I hope that this clears up any questions that you may have regarding my original post. 

For the record, I do have nomorobo set up on my digital voice line and it does a great job for the most part on catching those annoying robot calls. Unfortunately there are still other issues with the service that definitely needs attention but I don’t want to stray from the original and most important issue at hand. 

Thanks for the the reply and thanks in advance for any help. If no one can suggest what is going on maybe someone can list the contact numbers for someone at Verizon Corporate or their IT Department so that I can pursue this at an escalated level of need be. I’m sure the last thing that Verizon wants is someone from the press contacting them because I was not able to get a straightforward answer. 

I hope that everyone is having a great day.
