Still have not received verizon 200$ welcome giftcard

My name is Edyta,


I've been going through customer service for several weeks now with no solutions. I was told by the verizon man who sold me the fios equipement that I'd be receiving the 200$ giftcard, an xbox but I have yet to receive any of these. I checked the rewards section on the app and it says that the giftcard is claimed but in my email I only received an email stating itll be here in 7-10 business days. Its been way past that now. I seek assistance from someone who can ACTUALLY assist me and not someone who will waste even more of my time. Ive been a verizon customer for over 16 years on the mobil side!!!

1 Reply

Look up in all folders including junk [email address removed per the Verizon Terms of Service], mine was sitting in my junk and keyword Verizon wouldn't pull anything. Good luck