Port 25 HSI Emailing Issues
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This is a collection of threads regarding the Port 25 emailing issue.

78 Replies


I am having a little trouble understanding who needs to change ports for outgoing mail.

I only have one email address which is verizon.net and I use windows mail on vista to send and receive my emails.

Do I need to change my ports?  I am having trouble getting a straight answer and all I really need to know is yes or no.

Please if anyone can help I would really appriciate it.




Please can someone answer question.  I really do not know what I need to do.


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Yes you do, if your ISP is Verizon.

Accoring to information previously posted to one of the Verizon "0" hierarchy NNTP newsgroups, the switch to Port 587 is only effecting certain states at this time, and only under certain circumstances.

If you have not received any notification to switch top Port 587, you should be able to continue on Port 25 without any problems.

One thing that may effect some people is mail relaying.  This would be when you use Verizon's mail servers but are connecting (relaying) to another company's mail system.  This is a trick often used by spammers so they are plugging that hole.

If you have a mail system that is not based at Verizon, such as your own mail and web hosting service, yopu will not be effected.

I am in the Verizon East territory in New England and we ar estill using Port 25 and have not been told to do otherwise, so until I am told, I won't be changing anything.

In any event, my Verizon address is not used at all so I am not effected in any way.

*** Note that the Verizon "0" newsgroups are being closed along with all of Usenet access on Sept 30.  Many of the former users may show up here or in the Verizon Forum at DSL Reports.

Enthusiast - Level 2

It is confusing - I still dont know the answer. I have Verizon as my ISP but dont use the email address. According to the note I received, I should change the port on all my emails in outlook if they ARE NOT my verizon email. After changing the ports on those, my email was no longer sent so I put it back to 25 and everything worked fine.

For a communications company....verizon sure lacks good communication...no matter what problem or question you have for them.

Enthusiast - Level 1

You should be fine as it does not appear that Port 25 is being blocked for those using Verizon e-mail.  For more details see http://www22.verizon.com/ResidentialHelp/HighSpeed/General+Support/Top+Questions/QuestionsOne/124274...


As you can see information is very conflicting.....I had thought that because my ISP is verizon and I do use the verizon.net email address that I would not have to change anything.  I do use Windows Mail/ Outlook to send and receive email using my verizon.net email address.

I still don't know the correct answer and am worried about problems that might come up if I don't figure it out.


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@tnj2000 wrote:

As you can see information is very conflicting.....I had thought that because my ISP is verizon and I do use the verizon.net email address that I would not have to change anything.  I do use Windows Mail/ Outlook to send and receive email using my verizon.net email address.

I still don't know the correct answer and am worried about problems that might come up if I don't figure it out.


The post by Dkirk above in this thread, answers your question.


my moms email just stopped sending and I am thinking this might be the cause. She uses the incoming and outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net servers. I don't understand why she is using yahoo (since she uses nothing else for yahoo). Just wondering if I should change her ports according to this document.



Enthusiast - Level 1

I have a Verizon email address but I never use it.  I only use my MSN and Gmail addresses.  And I manage my email addresses with Windows Live Mail.  Will I be effected by this Port 25 thing?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Guys ,


You will changed port 25 to port 587 if you access Verizon Email using an Email Client this includes : Outlook Express 5/6, Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007 and Windows Mail.


You dont need to do anything if you access your Verizon Email tru your browsers (Internet EXplorer/Mozilla/Safari).  You dont need to worry about this.




Geez ...I am really starting to get a little frustrated.  I talked to Verizon today and they said that I do not have to change the ports ........  I told them I use Vista Windows Mail and use my verizon.net email.

I just dont get it.


Enthusiast - Level 3

actually its a choice, you can either changed it or not.. you can still send / recieve emails, but the thing is, Spammers are sending out Emails on port 25...so to avoid recieving emails from Spammers use port 587...That's ok !


Enthusiast - Level 1

I know this is like beating a dead horse but... I am a network admin for a company. We have an exchange server and we have some employees that travel a lot and will occasionally log in from their home. I have a user that all the sudden has lost the ability to send email when using his outlook that has a pop3 email configured.


I called Verizon and the guy I spoke with, I don't think understood what I was asking, but he said something about changing the port from 25 to 587.


I am fairly certain that the problem that he is having is related to his Verizon ISP. I had him try to change the port to 587 but of course it didn't work. (I didn't think it would)


I guess I just don't quite understand who all needs to make the change, and when it needs to happen and why..


When he tries to send emails out he gets a message stating that the server was found and the service was interrupted or something.


Of course if I call VZW they say they don't support this stuff, they tell me to change the port but no one actually helps me. I thought that VZW had that huge groups of people there to help. At least on the TV commercials there are a ton of people willing to help. I guess that's only if you’re a mobile customer. If you have DSL you’re on your own. 🙂


Anyway if anyone can assist me with this I would greatly appreciate it.

Champion - Level 3

Verizon's post about this change can be found here: http://www.verizon.net/port25

To summarize, you ONLY need to switch your settings to port 587 if ALL of the following apply:

1. You are using a Verizon-provided connection to reach the internet.

2. You are using any email address that is NOT @verizon.net

3. You are using a client, such as Outlook Express, to check your mail.

If all three of those apply to you, then switch. If they do not, then you do not have to.

Some excerpts from Verizon's  page:

Will outbound port 25 blocking apply to all Verizon broadband customers?

Outbound port 25 blocking will be applied to FIOS and High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses. If you subscribe to a static IP address service, you will not be affected.

Do I have a dynamic IP address?

If you have standard residential or business FIOS / High Speed Internet service, you have a dynamic IP address. Static IP packages are sold as an upgraded service.

Will I be impacted by port 25 blocking?

If you have a dynamic IP address and you use a third party email account to send email from a desktop client such as Outlook®, Outlook Express® or similar programs, you may be affected and should continue to read this notice. If you are using email provided as part of your VErizon service or a web-based email account from another provider, you will not be affected.

How do I determine if I am using a third party email account?

If your email address is not part of your Verizon FiOS or High Speed Internet Service, and it does NOT end with @verizon.net, you are using a third party account.


From an earler thread...


Verizon's post about this change can be found here: http://www.verizon.net/port25

To summarize, you ONLY need to switch your settings to port 587 if ALL of the following apply:

1. You are using a Verizon-provided connection to reach the internet.

2. You are using any email address that is NOT @verizon.net

3. You are using a client, such as Outlook Express, to check your mail.


It may not be that simple.

I am a Verizon DSL customer and have a Verizon e-mail address but rarely use it.  Switching to port 587 when the time comes for me (it is being rolled out in segments) will be relatively easy.

However, I also have other e-mail services that are accessed via programs such as Thunderbird and Outlook Express.  These are external to Verizon, and their only association with Verizon is that I use my DSL connection to get to them.

Gmail uses Port 465 as its requirement for outgoing mail - not 587.  People that have Gmail and who use a dedicated e-mail program such as Outlook, Outlook Express, or Thunderbird will be changing to a WRONG setting and that will disable their Gmail access.

I have my own private domain and web space and use that service (Hostgator) for my e-mail, which I own.  However when this flap about Port 587 arose I checked with them and they don't use Port 587 at all.  They have Port 26 available but that is all.

By Verizon telling people to switch globally to Port 587 they are muddying the waters terribly.

In conversation with my provider at Hostgator I also learned that my call was the FIRST (and that was 2 weeks ago) they have heard of Verizon capping Port 25.  Apparently Verizon saw fit to not make any industry announcement so that other providers would have a heads up on what to expect, and maybe post something to their customer base.

Moreover... the question is this, 'are they blocking port 25, or are they forcing use of port 587/'  Hopefully it is just a port block and peopl ewill be able to switch.  If they force use of Port 587, that will cut millions of people off from their other service providers.

The sheer number of responses in this thread speaks volumes to the confusion this is causing and VOL's lack of a plain vanilla response that people can understand.

Fo rmy money, I have set up back ups - just in case.


I'm so confused, I've read and reread the letter from Verizon explaining and I'm lost.  I don't know if I have to re-configure my Email Settings to send Email due to the outbound port 25 issue.

I have Verizon High Speed Internet and when I click on Help & Settings and About MSN it tells me I am using......

Operating System Windows XP (5.01.2600)

Internet Explorer 8.00.6001.18702

MSN Client 9.60.0053.2200

MSN Market en-us

MSN Brand MSN [VZ02]

MSN SKU Verizon Broadband with MSN Premium

Default E-mail Program Microsoft Outlook

Must I reconfigure? Please advise.

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I will try to make it simple as I can.

If you are not on a business account, and only if you use another e-mail provider - you must change the port setting for sending e-mail.

This does not apply to any e-mail accounts that you send/recieve with your web browser.


I'm on a residence account, not business. 

I apologize, I'm terribly illiterate when it comes to this subject mainly because I don't understand the terms used.....

R U saying I do not need to reconfigure as long as I only use my MSN software to send/receive my email?  Is my Verizon with MSN software considered a "web browser?" 

Thank you in advance.          

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@gingerbread wrote:

I'm on a residence account, not business. 

I apologize, I'm terribly illiterate when it comes to this subject mainly because I don't understand the terms used.....

R U saying I do not need to reconfigure as long as I only use my MSN software to send/receive my email?  Is my Verizon with MSN software considered a "web browser?" 

Thank you in advance.          

You are using a web browser to access a web server, in this case with message boards/forums.

The URL starts with HTTP to read/post on this forum.

A web browser using a URL to read e-mail can start with HTTP or HTTPs.

If you HTTP or HTTPS to send or receive e-mail, the port blocking does not apply to you.


Does thaty answer your question, yet?
