Does Orbic use network data when functioning as a local router?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I travel throughout North America in my RV, so I'm often in places with no Verizon or other wireless network access.  I'm trying to figure out if my Orbic is using my monthly data plan allowance when I'm sharing data locally over the Orbic's WIFI signal, whether it's between a PC and a printer or PC to PC for file access/transfers.  I've looked at the data usage for the Orbic, but there's not enough detail in the log to know if the data used is from a file transfer or from the PC accessing the Internet to download programs and App updates for a new laptop.  My assumption is the data isn't logged against my plan until the Orbic hits the gateway IP address or some similar IP gate downstream associated with Verizon network tower access.

I have two PCs that I want to set up to utilize shared files and folders.  I'm not interested in cloud storage or anything similar; I'm in Internet blackout areas frequently, so I need to figure out how to operate without Internet.  I want to use the Orbic as a router to connect the two devices so I can access the files between the two PCs.  I'm assuming this wouldn't use data from my plan because I'm not transmitting out over a Verizon tower to do this local network connection.  Does this scenario use "network data" on my plan?  

The second part is similar, I connect my PC to my printer over the Orbic WIFI as a router.  Does information transmitted from the PC, over the Orbic to the printer use "network data" on my plan?

Final question.  Is the Orbic capable of routing local WIFI traffic when no Verizon network source is available?  I can test it later this summer, but I really would like to know the answer before the need arises. 

Thank you for your reply.

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6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, PaulikonisEC, we're glad to hear you're able to reply on your hotspot while traveling in your RV. When using your hotspot to download/upload information, you will be using data from your plan. You mentioned traveling to areas not covered by Verizon. Is there a particular area you are referring to?


Enthusiast - Level 2

I travel all over North America.  I'll be heading to the eastern provinces of Canada this summer, along with Newfoundland, and there are several areas there with no internet connectivity.  I also go into service denied areas in western Canda and Alaska.

Does the Orbic allow me to send data from my PC to the printer when no Internet signal can be found by the Orbic?  If yes, how does Verizon track that as data usage if I'm not connected to a tower on Verizon's network?

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for that information, PaulikonisEC. When using the hotspot to transmit information to your printer, you will need a signal. If you happen to be in an area in Canada/Alaska that has no signal, you won't be able to transmit until you're back in a coverage area. Does this help answer your question?


Enthusiast - Level 2


The reply really didn't help.  I'm not uploading or downloading data to the network; it's a local transfer over the Orbic.  Does any data hitting the Orbic qualify as uploading/downloading?  I asked pointed questions and you gave me a very vanilla answer.  How or where does Verizon register data on the network?  At my Orbic?

Does the Orbic allow me to transfer data from a PC to a printer when no Verizon wireless network PoP is available?  If yes, how does Verizon track the data sent from the PC to the printer as part of my monthly data allowance?  This goes back to my question above, how or where does Verizon register data on the network and charge it against my monthly data allowance on the plan?

I travel all over North America and I see Verizon network dead spots all over the place, especially in the rural areas of America.  I was shocked to see several dead spots along the WA, OR, and CA coastline last year. 

This year I'm travelling the eastern provinces of Canada (Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland), but I've also seen limited connectivity in western Canada (Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Yukon territory) and Alaska.

Customer Service Rep

Hello! We are here to help and would like to review all your options correctly. To better assist, I'll be sending a Private Message, please reply to it, so we can get started.


Enthusiast - Level 2


I responded to your PM.  I just need to know what it is you want to authenticate the account.  I can send you whatever you need on the PM.