4G LTE upgrades to 4g but now back to 3g. Why?

Upon waking up on August 1 I noticed that our little Samsung 4G LTE device had a light on indicating 4G service. This was a surprise to me since we had not done anything or moved the device at all. 4G was awesome and a welcome change from 3g. Well, this morning (8/3) the device had reverted back to 3g service. Why???? Was it a test by Verizon or just a cruel joke? How can we get 4G back?

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3 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader
Are you in an area that normally doesn't have 4G LTE? Verizon announced several new cities will be getting 4G LTE on August 18, 2011. There have been reports in the past of getting a 4G LTE signal before the official date in the other cities. Heck my own city is in the list of cities getting it on August 18. One day before the official press release, I saw a two second burst of the 4G LTE symbol on my phone. Perhaps that is what happened to you as well.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Specialist - Level 1

I am assuming that Verizon does testing before the turn up date to make sure that LTE will work. If they didn't test before the date, it would be the same as sending out software before testing.


I am sure that you are seeing the testing before turning it up.

Not applicable

Good Morning!


Thanks to the community for help out with this thread! It is likely the situation that we are testing the 4G in your area. Have you have confirmed your coverage on our 4G map?  Check that out. I got the HTC Thunderbolt before 4G was launched in my neighborhood but would see it come on occasionally. Usually EARLY morning or LATE night.


We do many tests before 'flipping the switch' on to 4G in any area.  I can tell you when it launches in your area officially, it's going to impress you!


Hope that helps! 

