Calls going straight to voicemail
Enthusiast - Level 1

Calls are going straight to voicemail with no missed call alert and without the phone ringing. If the person leaves a message the VM pops up but the phone hasn't rang. Calls aren't forwarded and do not disturb is not on. I've tried hard resetting the phone and removing then reinserting the Sim card. Any ideas?

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1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 1

I've found *73 to be the solution, twice in the past year, as is only rarely mentioned/indicated in any of these posts(multiple threads / google search hits) about the same issue. Particularly, in my case, I began to experience this when a Webex meeting would try to call me using the "callback" function.

Specifically, as of Sept.2019:
Has to do with "immediate" and "conditional" call forwarding(even though it may not have explicitly been chosen or desired) and can be disabled by:
Dialing *73 then press send... That's it, resolved.


View solution in original post

18 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

Is it all calls? The phone isn't set to silent either?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Phone is not set to silent. It will work for a few hours then all calls will start going to voicemail. I turn the phone on and off a few times and toggle the mobile data on and off a few times and the calls will start coming thru again. Then they will start going to voicemail all over again. It's been going on since the last update.

Customer Service Rep

Brandiferrarini, being able to receive notifications when your calls are received is a priority and we appreciate your proactive efforts in resolving this issue. Help is here, and I'm confident that we'll be able to provide a resolution. When did this start to occur? Since hard resetting the phone has not proved to be effective, did you make any recent changes to your phone in terms of software updates or settings changes? Looking forward to hearing back.


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Customer Service Rep

We certainly don't want you missing a single call, Brandiferrarini. Staying in touch with those people who are trying to reach you is a top priority. I'm happy to help troubleshoot the issue with calls going straight to voicemail so we can bring forth a solution. What's the make and model of your phone? To confirm, how do you know that forwarding is turned off? So that we're sure you have this feature turned off here's how "immediate" and "conditional" call forwarding can be disabled: dial *73 then press send. Also, I know you mentioned that this started occurring after the last update but have you checked for a more recent update to your phone's software?


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have an S9 plus and before that I had an S6. I have been having issues with calls going straight to voicemail even when I had an S6. Verizon has troubleshooted changed out sim cards they have checked do not disturb you name it it's been tried. Just last night I'm sitting here with my phone and I get a voicemail which means the phone never rang. I dial the phone from my home phone and it went straight to voicemail. Once I restarted the phone, the phone works with no problems. This is clearly a network issue! There are so many post about it all over the Internet for Verizon. Why is it that this cannot be corrected? You pay to be on Verizon as it being one of the best networks that we believe it to be but yet this isn't taken as a priority. I've been with Verizon for over 12 years and I've always said these type of issues happen with other carriers not Verizon but now I see Verizon is no different, so why pay this money when you can go to a cheaper carrier. I'm a person that I don't believe in wasting money and at this point I've come to the conclusion I'm wasting money for a service that's doing no different than there competitors.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Was this ever resolved?  I am having the same issue and nothing is fixing it?!

Customer Service Rep

markchubik, I know how challenging it can be if your voicemail isn't working as expected, but the good news is that you've come to the right place for help. To ensure that we are on the same page, how is your voicemail performing? How do you typically access your voicemail? What steps have you taken to resolve your voicemail issues? Looking forward to hearing back.



Enthusiast - Level 2

I am having the same problem. The calls that are going straight to voicemail are spam calls though. It is the same woman who uses various names. The call details provide different originating phone numbers, and she provides different call back numbers. When is Verizon going to implement a plan so we can block all spam callers?

Customer Service Rep


I’m sorry to see that you’re having the same problem. I appreciate you for providing the details that your spam calls are going to Voicemail. I know that getting those calls can be inconvenient. The good news is that we do have a feature that filter’s those calls. Take a look at this link for more information ( For clarification are you using our Call Filter currently? I want to ensure you know all the ins and outs of our feature?



Enthusiast - Level 1

Is there a real person on this site? All the "responses" from Verizon are canned replies that answer nothing.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi I've been a Verizon in customer forever and this started happening about 3 years ago for me (countless calls to Verizon, never a call back, never resolved). I've tried everything from replacing Sim cards to switching phones MULTIPLE TIMES. The only thing that solves the problem (no help from Verizon) is going into settings, advanced calling and turning hd video calling off. Turn it to hd voice instead. This solves the issue only problem is you cannot talk on the phone and use data same time. 

Verizon you really need to get your sh*t together. I cannot tell you how many HOURS/DAYS I have spent on the phone hoping for a fix and never getting one. My bill is 200$ a month and I have a phone that doesn't function at full capacity. It's beyond frustrating


Enthusiast - Level 2

Same issue for me! I'm so desperate. This started happening over a month ago. I had no clue people were trying to call me, as it doesn't alert me, doesn't ring, doesn't appear on my screen, and doesn't show in my missed calls list. Facetime comes through just fine, but no calls from anyone. I spent hours in the Verizon store to the point they did a full factory reset on my phone. Issue continued. So desperate that I purchased a whole new iphone 11 pro max. Calls came through for the first week of owning my new phone, but now it's happening all over again. It is the network! I run my business from home and my business is legitimately suffering as a result of having no clue when someone tries calling me. From their perspective, calls go straight to voicemail. There has to be someone who can help me! Please!

Enthusiast - Level 2

Same issue for me! I'm so desperate. This started happening over a month ago. I had no clue people were trying to call me, as it doesn't alert me, doesn't ring, doesn't appear on my screen, and doesn't show in my missed calls list. Facetime comes through just fine, but no calls from anyone. I spent hours in the Verizon store to the point they did a full factory reset on my phone. Issue continued. So desperate that I purchased a whole new iphone 11 pro max. Calls came through for the first week of owning my new phone, but now it's happening all over again. It is the network! I run my business from home and my business is legitimately suffering as a result of having no clue when someone tries calling me. From their perspective, calls go straight to voicemail. There has to be someone who can help me! Please! Yes, I've done all the normal troubleshooting (over and over, both at Verizon store and on phone with Verizon tech) to include *73, checking do not disturb, checking blocked numbers, resetting network settings (and the entire phone), new SIM card, updating IOS, ensuring Silence Unknown Calls is off, turned on Announce Calls Always, etc etc. 

Customer Service Rep

billsk1211, we know it's vital to stay connected, and we would love to help you get this taken care of. Please reply to our private note. 




Same issue for me! I'm so desperate. This started happening over a month ago. I had no clue people were trying to call me, as it doesn't alert me, doesn't ring, doesn't appear on my screen, and doesn't show in my missed calls list.  I have gone thru my settings and everything shows as normal, have reset phone, and still having the issue.

Customer Service Rep

llpurplepassion, we certainly want you to stay connected and receive all of your calls. What make and model phone do you have? Has anything changed on the phone such as a software update or new/updated applications since this started? What ZIP code are you located in?



Enthusiast - Level 1

I've found *73 to be the solution, twice in the past year, as is only rarely mentioned/indicated in any of these posts(multiple threads / google search hits) about the same issue. Particularly, in my case, I began to experience this when a Webex meeting would try to call me using the "callback" function.

Specifically, as of Sept.2019:
Has to do with "immediate" and "conditional" call forwarding(even though it may not have explicitly been chosen or desired) and can be disabled by:
Dialing *73 then press send... That's it, resolved.


Enthusiast - Level 1

This seems to have done the trick for me! Thank you!