Returned Phone, Paid $1,000, no credit issued - since July, 2020


Verizon will NOT refund the $900 I paid for my replacement phone.

I got my phone replaced almost a year ago, right before COVID started.  It was an Asurion claim; my Note 8 turned off when I took a picture and I had to plug it in to restart, no matter how much charge it had.

When I got the replacement, no doubt a refurb, two things 1) I couldn't get my data to port over so I had to do it manually and 2) the GPS dropped service constantly.  I resigned to dealing with the GPS issue, it got some-better over time.  It took me months to get my text messages and everything else all ported over. 

They charged me the full replacement $$ $900+and I paid it in April, or my service would have terminated.  At the end of June I FINALLY finished porting data and sent the phone back.  I was in touch with Verizon all through this process and was assured that my account would credit when the return came back.

I called several days after I sent the return, told them the tracking number, they told me it had been received and would take a week or two to get the credit on the account.

That is the status ever since.  I have had long-long and many-many chat sessions and phone calls.  I have to explain this over and over again.  The last time, about 2 weeks ago, I got a "promise we will resolve this today" both from chat and phone call.   Both call and chat, the most recent ones I escalated to supervisors.  In both cases, they didn't have the authority to add that $$ amount credit and had submitted and "were waiting" to get authorization .

Today I get notification that my bill is due, still, no credit.  I have notes and documentation of the hours and hours I've spent trying to get this resolved. 

I understand Verizon monitors these channels and I'm hopeful this can finally get taken care of. 

Has anyone had similar issues and how did you get it resolved?





3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Juliet1970, it certainly sounds like you have been through a long ordeal and I am truly sorry to hear this. Please respond to the private message that we have sent so we may jump right in and take a closer look at all that has happened. LorenB_VZW If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!! 

Enthusiast - Level 1
Same thing happened to me this month- was charged $800 after I returned my devices. customer service- would appreciate a direct message as well.
Customer Service Rep

amandaniederle, I know the importance of being able to get your credit issues when needed. So we can help look at this, please send us a Private Note. JoseL_VZW