Trade In Kit
Enthusiast - Level 1

I bought an IPhone 11 Pro 2 weeks ago online and did the trade in device for my old iPhone. I have never received my trade in kit and have requested the shipping materials twice now. They only give you 14 days to return your old device. What am I supposed to do if I never received the kit within 14 days?! Has anyone else had problems with receiving their kits?? 

29 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Congratulations to you on purchasing the iPhone 11 Pro! As a valued customer, your concerns are our concerns too. We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems receiving the shipping materials to send your device to our Trade-In Team after initiating the request process twice. I'd be disappointed if I had this experience, and we're here to help you in any way we can. Let's work together to get this resolved. Please visit our website at Once you've accessed the site, please scroll down to "Trading in your device" and review the information and follow the steps provided at #4 (How do I package and send my device trade-in?), #6 (What if I wasn't able to complete the Device Trade-in Program submission online?), and #8 (What if I misplaced the shipping materials sent to me for trading in my device?). We're confident that this information will be helpful to you. Please keep our team updated. - RobertC_VZW


I have my trade-in quote but the online form won't let me add a location to send shipping materials. I complete the form but it won't save it so I can't request shipping materials. Why won't it save my location?

Customer Service Rep

Oh my that is odd indeed, RCIJoe. I am sure we will figure this out together. I do want to clarify a few things. Have you tried a different browser? Are you able to post a picture minus your personal information of what you see? AmberF_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

I spent hours on the phone, with Verizon, a couple months ago regarding this same issue. I was ultimately told this was a Verizon issue and my trade in credit was not at risk of being taken away. It’s been two months, and I’ve yet to receive the trade in packaging. 

Customer Service Rep


Apologies for any confusion, but there have not been any reported issues with our trade-in program and receiving trade kits. Who did you contact that had said this? If you did not receive a trade kit yet, you would need to reorder one at after entering your Submission ID. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Evidently there is an issue with your trade-in program.  I have been trying for 3 months, on the phone with CS and submitting online and still have not received one. Everytime, they tell me it has been sent. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I spoke with multiple customer services reps, the last of which told me it was a Verizon issue. She got that information directly from her supervisor. I have requested the trade in kit at least 10 times since September and still haven't received one. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I too have had multiple phone calls with CS since September 2020 to have a return kit sent to my house. The rep verifies that it shows as sent, I wait, and no kit. I have no issues with other deliveries (Amazon, UPS, etc). There is definitely a problem on Verizon's end. It is getting very frustrating. 

Customer Service Rep

We want to ensure you are able to get the trade-in kit, marbaer80. Sorry to hear about the hold up with the shipping. With the Submission ID, you would be able to check the status of the trade-in as well as request new shipping materials by accessing the following site: -ChrisM_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 2

EXACT same thing is happening to me and I can't get a single rep to help me! I've reached out to corp, online chat and over 6 hours of online phone calls! I don't know what to do.  I also have no option to print a label either.

Customer Service Rep



If you did not receive a trade kit yet, you would need to reorder one at after entering your Submission ID. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have tried this 4 times now and still nothing.   Only when requesting the trade in kit does it pull up an address from where my husband lived over 7 years ago and isn't tied to a billing or shipping address on this account anywhere. Not even sure how that address is on even file. So I've changed the address each time. The customer service reps have also changed the address.. Still nothing!!!

Customer Service Rep

Oh, no! This is definitely not the experience we want for you, Jdoyel25! We are here, and want to do whatever we can to make sure that this is resolved. We will be sending you a Private Note, so please be on the lookout for that. 



Enthusiast - Level 1

The fact that there is such an active thread on this issue clearly means there is a problem with the trade in kits.  Mine said it was shipped 1/11 and not here. Even the slowest method does not take two weeks. 

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

I know the importance of being able to get the trade-in completed without further worry! Please send us a Private Note and we can offer you more personalized support to make sure you get the materials. -Yale

Enthusiast - Level 1

Why does VZW make it so difficult to return a trade in device? It's now been 3 months of misinformation from customer care and multiple phone calls(4 phone calls and 2 chats) stating a return kit has been shipped to my address, but never shows up.  After following the provided link on this post and to send it via my own packaging does not work. Simply frustrating having to deal with this multiple, multiple times with no resolution. C'mon VZW, do a better job! 

Customer Service Rep

amcatania, We want the trade-in process to be seamless for all of our customers. Accordingly, if a trade-in isn't submitted with the initial purchase order, we do instruct customers to visit to complete their submission and be sent a shipping kit. If too much time has elapsed and the site is no longer accessible, then a label can be emailed to you via your account. How do you initially complete your trade-in submission?

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have requested several trade-in kits and nothing has shown up. How do I receive one via email as your message states is possible?

Enthusiast - Level 1

Checking the “status” of the kit is impossible— it shows nothing. There’s no option to print the shipping label like they claim. I supposedly updated my shipping address, but it still displays the old one. Is it too much to ask for Verizon to provide tracking numbers for the trade in kits?? I could track the package via UPS/USPS or through the trade in status screen. Or better yet, I wish they allowed in store trade ins for older models (which I’ve always done until now). I did store pickup so it would’ve been easy to return my old phone. This is ridiculously frustrating and needs to be resolved. 
