Verison not honoring agreed upon price and promotions.
Enthusiast - Level 2

Has anyone else run into a problem about not honoring agreed upon pricing and poor customer service? If yes, how did you handle it?

In January I received a text about an upgrade promotion. The website was not working so I called instead.  We had not been looking to upgrade or phones but with the promo that was sent to us and the 2 other promos the call representative brought to our attention, we decided to make the upgrade. The total bill was going to be around $120/month. After 3 months of receiving a $165 bill, spending over 9 hours on the phone, being bounced between over 10 different representatives, and spending several more hours through the digital chat, I was only just now able to get the bill down to $130. The first several hours were them basically calling me a liar. I even told them ton pull the audio from when the order was placed, but no rep would entertain the idea. The remainder involved them telling me that the rep shouldn't have given me the promos because i didnt qualify. Obviously it was me that was supposed the know the details of the promos that THEY brought up in the 1st place, that THEY said I qualified for (I had even asked to make sure), and that THEY assigned to my account. At one point a rep even implied it was my fault saying that if someone says they will sell me a unicorn, then it's my fault because I should know unicorns don't exist. Ultimately I still don't have the agreed upon price, I've wasted a ton of time, and I can't even go back to my old setup because one of the promos they "incorrectly" assigned to me was a trade-in promo, so our old phones are gone. Not only was customer service horrible, but now they are making it seem like they did me a favor for reducing the bill at all.

11 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Oh my! It's never our goal for you to have this type of experience when working with us. I want to look further into your promotion/account concerns. I've sent you a Private Note, and I look forward to hearing from you.




You or someone  else can contact  me to buddy, I got a call scheduled  tomorrow,  which was for a completely separate  issue....1 day after service...I just checked my bill to find I'm in the same boat as a lot of others. You may not care, but your company  won't get a dime from me if it's not resolved.

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Enthusiast - Level 2

For the record, in response to my original post, Verizon said they sent me a private note to help. They've sent me like 9 notes from a bunch of different reps, where each rep has me start over, and each rep leaves or signs off before we get to discuss the issue. This kind of support is what I was talking about in my original post. We have been with verizon for a long time, but it looks like it's time to switch carriers.

Customer Service Rep

Losing you from the Verizon Wireless family is not what we have in mind, Pmallmann. It sounds as if we’ve done a lot of work together in an attempt to correct thing. We’re extremely sorry for the way we made you feel during this process. We take all feedback seriously and I’ll make sure my leaders review what happened in this discussion.


We’d like to address your public comments on this forum. Promotions are tied to device pricing and not the total of the bill, so we often don’t promise a specific bill total each month. It’s certainly understandable that we’d discuss how things would look on a total bill or even provide an estimate “plus applicable taxes and surcharges” once the promotion is applied. Either way, we intend to make good on our promises to you.


I sense you have little faith in the Private Note process and respectfully ask for one more chance. We need to see many details in the account including notes from the other ways you’ve contacted us (calls and chats). We also want to ensure we protect account-specific information. Please reply to that Private Note so we will be able to find out the details about the actions we took.



Enthusiast - Level 2

You said to reply to "that private note", but I haven't received one since you sent the message. The previous ones were all over the place, so if you mean one of those, I'm not sure which one.  Also, just reviewing my account notes won't accomplish much without talking to me. Previous reps have added irrelevant notes that have only complicated later discussions. One early example is how the rep that placed my order didn't log the promos correctly, therefore no one could even tell I was supposed to get them.  I obviously don't know the names of all your promos so when asked later, I didn't know the specific names.  They asked if one was a BOGO offer.  I said no, but I guess they added on the account that I did try to get the BOGO offer. From that point on every rep would fixate on the BOGO offer and lecture me about how that offer at that time wasn't even close to applicable to my type of upgrade.

Specialist - Level 3

A rep isn't quality assurance, they have no way of pulling up the audio. Second, with promos constantly going on they need to know the details of which promo you are reffering to. You can't go to a store and say "I want the thing" and expect them to know what thing you are reffering to.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I completely agree with you in a scenario where that happened.  The Verizon rep was the one that identified the promos, not me, so it should be recorded (either through audio, notes on the account, or on the upgrade transaction).  However, this rep didn't log them correctly.  Therefore when I called later, I did not have the exact code and the rep couldn't find it either.  Instead of just telling them to make it work and saying "I want a thing", I asked the rep to pull up all the promotions that were available during time when my upgrade happened, and we went through them until I was able to identify the ones that the original rep was supposed to apply to my account (I've done that particular exercise on 3 separate occasions, because those weren't noted on the account correctly either).

As far as the recordings, it sounds like you're correct on them not being able to pull the audio, but they said there was a way to escalate it to have that done.  I asked for that a several times, and to my knowledge it hasn't yet.  When they do pull it, it will have all the information they need to finish all of this nonsense.

Thanks for the super condescending tone by the way.


Same, they were able to help me. We’ve been them for 20 years. And now they can’t honor their promo. When it was their mistake. This is not okay. 


I am going through the same issue. We purchased a SE on October 3rd, it was running a promotion for $5/mth if you purchased it online. We spent two days, multiple trips to the store and even called Verizon to have them help process the order and still couldn’t get the order to go through online. So we couldn’t get the $5/mth. I went in to the store and bought the phone at the no discounted price because my son needed it before he took off on a trip. Called them to have them adjust the promotional price and I’ve been told no. They are currently giving it away for FREE not more than 3 weeks later, yet I can’t get the $5 rate. We have been with Verizon since 1996, and have 9 lines! Such awful customer service at corporate level. I am going to shop for another carrier and cancel everything as soon as I figure it out. Should be getting it for free at this point after all the arguing I’ve had to do! Over $5! 

Customer Service Rep

Your 20 plus years with us are truly appreciated, Ljvanzant! We certainly don't want to lose you as our customer! I will be sending you a Private Note to best assist.
