When is my voicemail box full?
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have searched a lot to try to find information about this and can't seem to find a reliable answer anywhere.  How many messages does my voicemail box hold before it's full and when it gets full, will I get a notification at all so that I know to delete messages?  If it matters, I'm on an iPhone5 that supports visual voicemail but I don't pay extra for it, it just comes with the phone. Thanks!

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9 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I know it's important to manage those voicemails boxerdog826! Voicemail capacity is based on the amount of available memory in the iPhone 5. There isn't a specific number for how many voicemails. It's always a good idea to periodically delete old voicemails to free up space. Callers will receive a notification that the box is full. If you call your number from an alternate line, you can verify the message. I'm sorry the phone doesn't have a specific notification for a full voicemail box.

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Verizon Wireless Customer Support wrote:

... Voicemail capacity is based on the amount of available memory in the iPhone 5. There isn't a specific number for how many voicemails....

Is this right?  I always thought the voicemail was stored on Verizon's servers, not on the phone itself?  Yes, it's restricted by the amount of memory allotted - but not the phone's memory.  It's set a t Verizon's server for each account... or have I misunderstood?  Do iPhones work differently?

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The iPhone Visual voicemail is handled by Apple and not Verizon Wireless. That's also why the usual VZW Visual Voicemail monthly fee is waived for iPhones.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


As Ann has said, VVM is different for iPhones although I am unsure on the limiting factor for voicemail limits. However other visual voicemail services which I prefer such as YouMail and Google Voice will ALSO work on iPhones.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for your reply, SuzyQ. I apologize for any confusion we have caused. I can confirm that the iPhone's Visual Voice Mail service can hold 40 messages before indicating that the box is full.


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Enthusiast - Level 1

Two years later and this still appears to be the definitive post for this. It appears the iphone (whether limited by apple or the carrier) only allows 40 total voicemail messages, regardless of the actual length of the voicemail. It is, therefore, unrelated to the available space on the phone. Not sure why this is still a thing. A decade of iphone development and I still need to delete messages every few months because of some arbitrary limit. Feels like 1996 again when I was deleting my text messages every other day to stay under the 30 text capacity of Nokia.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Still hasn't changed in 2019.


Still hasn't changed in 2021. What a joke.

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