Why is Visual Voicemail not supported over WiFi?
Enthusiast - Level 2

Why is Visual Voicemail not supported over WiFi? Seems like an unnecessary requirement to consume Verizon data services to me...

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1 Solution
Champion - Level 3

The Visual Voice Mail requires (to the best of my knowledge) a connection to the Verizon Wireless network so traveling outside of the network will not allow you to receive those message any way.

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12 Replies
Champion - Level 3

It does not consume data from your allotment but it does need to have Verizon Wireless data connection to retrieve you messages. It is network only offering. If you are not connected to the data network and would like to check your VM you can still dial *86 and enter you PIN to listen to messages.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you, Verizon, for your speedy response. While you are correct that Visual Voicemail itself does not consume data, one turns on cellular data for the full phone and all apps *could* consume cellular data at that time. For example, if while traveling internationally I turned on cellular data simply to use Visual Voicemail, it is quite likely that other apps on my phone would consume large amounts of cellular data at that time which I would prefer to avoid (very expensive!). Yes, I could selectively disable all of my other apps from all external communications, but that is not practical.

So, a question: Does Verizon have any plans to enable Visual Voicemail over WiFi to get around this limitation?


Customer Service Rep

I'm so glad we could address your concerns today Haroil. There are no plans at this time to support Visuual Voicemail over Wifi. However we do make changes all the time to better support our customers. I will lift your suggestion up to our leadership team.

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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Champion - Level 3

I am not Verizon. I am just a customer like yourself.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having the same issue, very annoying

Champion - Level 1

Why is it annoying? There are other ways to access your voicemail just like in years past. In the service area you can dial *86, use the voicemail contact in your address book, or dial your cell number. It's really quite simple.

Enthusiast - Level 2

For me, this limitation of Visual Voicemail (VVM) is annoying because, when

the phone has cellular data turned off, VVM produces "false alerts" that

are indistinguishable from true "You have voicemail" alerts. Yes, I could

disable VVM altogether, but it's nice to have sometimes. Having a

WiFi-enabled VVM would be a "nice to have", but clearly not a requirement.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 12:54 AM, pherson <forums@verizonwireless.com>

Champion - Level 3

The Visual Voice Mail requires (to the best of my knowledge) a connection to the Verizon Wireless network so traveling outside of the network will not allow you to receive those message any way.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Gotcha, thanks. Still, the annoyance factor is there, and would be nice to

have an easy way to prevent the false alerts from Visual Voicemail ("You

may have voicemail", followeed by calling to check). Again, clearly in

the "nice-to-have" category. I'll probably just turn Visual Voicemail off.

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 9:34 AM, sprmankalel <forums@verizonwireless.com>

Enthusiast - Level 1

I also find the lack of wifi access to voicemail annoying - because at both my house and workplace I rarely have a signal strong enough to make calls on my mobile phone. I have to use a landline to get access to voicemails, and would rather be able to use my mobile phone.

Enthusiast - Level 1

It's annoying because Visual Voicemail -- when it works -- is a much better experience. It shows you all of your saved messages, allowing you to navigate among messages very quickly. Dialing *86 and working with voice prompts is so 20th century.

Enthusiast - Level 1


I ran into this just today, after spending almost two hours back and forth with 611 trying to understand what was happening.  In the end I figured out myself by looking on the net, I find it ridiculous that you lose features because of enabled wi-fi calling.

Based on the date of the original post its obvious nothing is going to change so I just turned off wi-fi calling in order to maintain the Visual Voicemail. You'd think maximizing resources by utilizing wi-fi calling when/where able would be a benifit to all by not using Verizon bandwith when there are alternatives but it shouldn't come as a loss of a feature to those doing so.
