recover deleted voicemail

I have basic voicemail and accidentally deleted a message, can it be recovered?

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4 Replies
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The only time you can restore a deleted voicemail is to restore it in the same session as when you deleted it.

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Customer Service Rep

JEFTHO59, I'm sorry to hear that happened with the deleted voicemail message. As Ann154 indicated, once a voicemail has been deleted, it is removed from our network and cannot be recovered. I know this isn't the news you would have wanted to hear, but I'm glad we can give you a definite answer.


In the future, if you want to make copies of old existing voicemails, you can reach out to CBW Productions. We work with them to make available copies of your voicemails. You can learn more about them at the Voicemail FAQ Link, under the 'Voicemail Archival' section, Question #2:


I hope you find their services beneficial.


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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thank you for the answer to this question. It helped me. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

I just accidentally deleted an old voicemail from Verizon voicemail and was crying bc it was of my daughter. Anyways after researching and panicking for an hour I was able to retrieve it! I have an iPhone 7 now- click on your ๐Ÿ“ฑ phone go to calls/voicemails/scroll to the very bottom and you will see deleted voicemails. I waited about 30 minutes than mine showed up it was from 2008! If you donโ€™t see it right away check after 30 minutes to an hour!