spam direct to voicemail

I've been getting spam voicemails.  My phone doesn't ring, I just get a "new voicemail" alert.  It is always the same message, about getting a loan.  I have no idea how a spammer can get a message directly into my voicemail, but is there a way to stop it?

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11 Replies
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Does your phone have an option to send all unknown numbers to voicemail? Could you have saved the number previous as a "Spam" Contact and set it to go directly to voicemail?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.


I haven't done anything with regard to sending calls automatically to voice mail.  I routinely get calls from numbers not in my phone book due to my work.  And I do, occasionally, get calls where caller ID is blocked, so it can't be that.

Customer Service Rep

I know its annoying  to get unwanted calls hdelman. We can help. You can block them online via your My-Verizon account. You can also try adding your number to the "Do Not Solicit" list .

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Unfortunately, I don't know the phone number of the spammer, since it never rings my phone.  Is there a way to determine the phone number from a voice mail message?  And BTW - I am on the "do not call" list.

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Community Leader

If yo have Visual Voicemail, the number would be there, or show as unavailable or restricted.  If you have the standard voicemail, you can press "5" during the message playback and hear the date, time, and number (if available) of the caller.

Customer Service Rep

Unfortunately, we are unable check the phone number from the voice mail if they are calling blocked. They may be calling from an automatic dialer.

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I'm surprised Verizon allows a caller to bypass my phone and go directly to my voicemail.  There ought to be a way to stop that!

Customer Service Rep

hdelman, this would be frustrating for me too. It sounds like you may have a contact set up to go straight to voicemail. Go to your contacts and check the individual settings for the contact. In your contacts, you would check the caller settings and see if you have it set to go straight to voicemail or reject caller. Let us know if this helps.
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This caller isn't in my address book.  I don't even know who it is!  It's a telemarketer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

@vzw_customer_support wrote:

hdelman, this would be frustrating for me too. It sounds like you may have a contact set up to go straight to voicemail. Go to your contacts and check the individual settings for the contact. In your contacts, you would check the caller settings and see if you have it set to go straight to voicemail or reject caller. Let us know if this helps.
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Verizon - you don't understand the problem the person is reporting. I have reported the same thing to 611/Customer Service for two years but they don't understand either. Here is the issue:

I get a voice left by a telemarketer or robocaller who **never called**. The telemarketer or robocaller likely has a Verizon voice account and sends out voice directly to the victim (me) using the Verizon voicemail system.

I can do the same thing - when I am in my Verizon voicemail, I can send a voice message directly (without calling) to (a) one person, or (b) to a list of people, without even calling them. They are likely using a list and sending hundreds of these things out.

So, I can't use you call blocking because it only works on callers, not message that come directly into voicemail. My call blacking app (Android CallControl) as well as all other apps work by first detecting an incoming call, so they cannot intercept this.

How to solve? I gave Verizon the phone number of the caller (Caller ID) - so just lookup this customer and disable this ability on their end.

Verizon did have me disable something like Group Voice Mail, but this did not work. Maybe the spammer is only sending out individual ones. So how do we block directly-sent or forwarded voicemails?


putting your number on a do not call list is like filing for a restraining order. Sure you get a shiny piece of paper but it is only good if it the party it is designed to stop abides by it.