weak or no mobile signal

Is there setting in the Orbic (RC2200L) flip phone to get better reception in my home area that has weak or no reception?

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello. We strive to provide reliable service and will be glad to help with your device. To better assist you, I'll be sending a Private Message, please reply to it, so we can get started.


Master - Level 3

Long story short: Don't think so. 

If your signal strength is weak, there are a few things you can try:

-Use a cell tower locator website to see where the nearest towers are (maybe you live too far away from one).

-Ask someone else, preferably a Verizon customer, if they have poor signal on their phone while at your house or nearby.  If they are with another carrier this is not as useful as different carriers use different towers not all in the same places.

-Go outside and/or walk around the neighborhood and see if the reception improves because building materials, living at the bottom of hills, or even dense foliage can interfere with signal.

If the signal is legitimately weak, you'd have to invest in a cell phone signal booster to improve the signal strength (or it's time to port).

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.