LG G6 $200 Gift card - June Promotion not being honored

I purchased my LG G6 on June 1st at a Verizon store.  There was a promotion for this phone to get a $200 Visa gift card as a rebate, no later than 10-12 weeks after being approved.  I sent in my rebate online before the deadline and was approved.  It's now been well over 12 weeks, and I have called the number listed on the rebate website numerous times, and they have all been trained to say, "I know it has been over 12 weeks, but it should go out in the next week."  After being put off a couple of weeks, I asked why they keep saying the same thing but it hasn't actually gone out, and I was told, "LG is having a problem fulfilling this promotion and it keeps getting delayed. Keep calling back each week. We can't tell you anything else."  This is a rebate being handled by acbincentives, exclusively for purchasing the LG G6 from Verizon.  I tried talking to Verizon's rebate center, and they do not have any information on this promotion since it is being handled externally.  Has anyone had any luck with this promotion?


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10 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi Beth00001, 


We know that receiving a promotion reward in a timely manner is important. Thank you for all your hard work in an effort to resolve this issue thus far. My apologies, that the issue still unresolved and for the lack of assistance from the promotion representatives. Let's get this fixed. I have sent you a Direct Message, please respond to this message. 





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If my response answered your question please click the "Correct Answer" button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!


Thank you for your response.

On Oct 19, 2017 9:24 AM, "vzw_customer_support" <forums@verizonwireless.com>


I did not receive the Direct Message.  This issue is still unresolved. 

Community Leader
Community Leader

The Direct Message if sent would have been in your Community Inbox.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Master - Level 2

There is supposedly a $200 off promotion on the new flagship LG V30 via the same group.

Does this mean there will be a problem with an $840 device, the best phone on Verizon too?


Did this ever get resolved?  I just ordered a G6 through a similar promo for a gift card through ACB incentives (and now have numerous pending claims b/c I kept getting an error message every time I submitted my claim, so I'd re-submit thinking it didn't originally go through.  So I'm sure all my pending claims will now slow down the process...thanks for having a [removed] website, ACB incentives).  I'm just wondering if they ever honored the gift cards and if getting Verizon involved helped expedite the process for you (it's only been a week for me, so I'm giving them a month)

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Message edited by Verizon Moderator.


I have been waiting on my rebate since I purchased the GUY the first week it was offered way back in June. The incentives website says all was approved and the card was mailed. When I call them they tell me a completely different company is in charge of actually mailing the cards. I have called that company twice and been told the card was mailed first in October, then a replacement in November. I have yet to receive anything. This whole process is a real bummer and seems designed to exhaust people into giving up on a rebate.

Customer Service Rep

It is our goal to make sure that you are pleased with all of the interactions you have with us. We also want to make sure you receive what you were promised. Have you checked your email "junk" folder? Sometimes, in an attempt to expedite the process, we will email the gift. Please keep us updated.


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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!


Nope. Nothing in the junk mail inbox. I will keep an eye on it though. Thank you for the quick response.


And I'm now getting <<removed>> out of my $100 gift card.  Every time I submitted my rebate request, I got an error message on the last step.  However, 2 weeks later, when I again went to the ACB incentives site to submit my request (and got another error message), I saw that I had numerous "Submitted/Pending documentation" claims.  Since my claim(s) obviously did go through, I stopped attempting to submit a claim b/c I figured that'd just delay the process and that I'd get an email asking for my "pending documentation."  I waited 6 weeks for processing time and called ACB today to inquire of when the process was going to get moving, only to discover that I was "supposed" to upload my documentation during the aforementioned process, which I didn't know b/c I got an error message every time I got to that third step in the rebate process (and b/c they never "heard" of the site being down at any time before my call, there's nothing they can do--uh, why would I have submitted a claim 6 times in a row without documents if the site was working?).  All documentation was to be in by January 8th and LG has "shutdown" the promo.  SO, looks like I'm not getting my $100.  Awesome.

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