Smart family app

I would like to complain about the smart family manager. My family members added this to our plan, keep in mind I am 35 years old. They were using it to monitor stalk track and hunt me down for the last six months. I never consented to Verizon ever being allowed to track my phone in this way, or to allow my family members that are crazy to have this kind of access such as my online Internet activity and my constant location even when I was driving around town. I have never felt so violated by a company in my life.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hello, kkdevco. Help is here as we definintely don't want you to feel this way. Are you the account owner of the account in question or do you simply have a line on the account? The reason I ask is that the account owner does have ownership of the account and lines listed. If you don't want the account owner of the account to have this access to you, you do have the option to complete a Transfer Your Service as this allows you to leave their account (with their permission) and keep your number under your own account where you will be the only person with access and permission. Please see the link below for more info.
