WIFI Calling from work
Enthusiast - Level 3

I have a samsung A53 5G Phone. I can make wifi calls from home. I can't make wifi calls from work. How do I make this happen? I get no bars in the office. When I enable airplane mode and turn on wifi to make a call I never get a wifi symbol and It says I have to turn off airplace mode to make wifi calls. WHY?

6 Replies
Champion - Level 1

Airplane mode completely disables the phone from using any kind of data connection, so Wi-Fi calling (which goes over the internet, using data) won't work if airplane mode is on.

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.
Enthusiast - Level 3


Turning airplane mode on disconnects all, turning Wi-Fi and Bluetooth back on is possible and then will allow Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to function including Wi-Fi calling.  

This only works if the original poster is signed into their work Wi-Fi network

Enthusiast - Level 3

When mobile 5g reception is BAD the only way to make a call is to turn on airplane mode to turn off the mobile radio which has horrible reception. Then turning on wifi. Now this will force the phone to make calls using wifi.


Next you have to open a bunch of ports on your companies router.

Maybe someone from verizon can list all the ports and steps required. Someone on the phone gave me the Numbers and they are now open at my job and wifi calling now works.

Having wifi internet browsing working is NOT enough to make wifi calls. 

Changes have to be made on your firewall. 


Customer Service Rep

flagrant99, just to clarify, does your job require you to log into their Wi-Fi for use? 


Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read that you're having issues with getting Wi-Fi Calling to work. Is your device on the latest update? Does your work Wi-Fi have restrictions on what it can be used for? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 3

Are you signed into your works Wi-Fi network? 

If your phone is not signed in to your work Wi-Fi network then you would not have Wi-Fi access which would also exclude Wi-Fi calling as well as data.