Price hike

Enthusiast - Level 1

I’ve only been back with Verizon  for a little less than a year and am sorry I let the rep talk me into it. Half the stuff he said  wasn’t even accurate. At least according to everyone else I’ve talked to.. I’ve had to go into the store to discuss my bill every month for the last 4 or 5 months and have spend countless hours on chat due to my bill being wrong, each time they did find and credit the inaccuracies  but I shouldn’t  have to go in there every month to bring to their attention that I’m being charged too much.. NOW they increase my bill for all 4 lines on my plan .. Having 2 years and a month left on the 3 year contract they made me sign (didn’t know they could increase during that same time frame), I think I’d be better off paying off my devices and going somewhere else.  

I guess the most convenient answer is switch to the new unlimited plan and no I’m not switching to the new unlimited plans because what we use will end up costing even more .. My Verizon bill is more than any of my other bills including Cilco/Ameren and my car payment that’s really sad!! 

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello sidh3521, we're sorry to learn you're having issues with our your account. If you wish we can go over your account and make sure that you're on the best suitable plan for your needs. If you would like to go over your account, please let us know so that we can send you a private message. 


Enthusiast - Level 1

This  must be a robo reply because I said your new plans will cost me even more because of the “add ons”

Enthusiast - Level 2

It absolutely it AI. They don’t ever fix anything. They lie constantly if you can understand the person on the phone. I just got an email they are raising my lines too