Verizon Cloud Unlmited

Like many items I read tonight, I am unable to come up with a solution. I am a subscriber of 5G Home  Plus that is supposed to come with Verizon Cloud Unlimited. I have downloaded the app to my windows desktop and have failed at accessing it. If this is indeed included in the package, I would like to utilize.  The FAQ's section shows nothing so if a Verizon rep responds, please don't just provide that as a go to.   Please let me know if anyone has been successful to date.  Thank You!

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to hear that you're having problems with your Verizon Cloud. We want to make sure you're able to access it and use it as a cloud service. What part of the registration process are you having problems with? What specific error message do you get?



I am asked to login using my verizon credentials, which I do then my verizon mobile is sent a text message with a code for verification purposes. Once logged in, I am taken to a screen that shows 1 of 3 options of cloud service to choose from, all with a price, not the unlilmited service that I am being offered through my 5G Home Plus Plan.

If I try to log in using the number associated with my gateway, it sends a verification message to that which of course cannot be answered.  


Please let me know of any other questions you may have, I would like to get this resolved so I can begin using your cloud service that is included in my plan.  Thank you so much!

Customer Service Rep

Thanks for sharing those details. Seems we'll need to look at a few things related to the account. As part of that sending a Private Message so we can get started. 
