How do I listen to my voicemail greeting?
Enthusiast - Level 1

How do I listen to my voicemail greeting?

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20 Replies
Champion - Level 3

Have you looked at the FAQ's on the VZW website? Search Results for voice mail greeting . Generally calling voicemail, *86, will allow you to listen to voice mails as well as change administrative options.  This includes Personal Options such as Greetings.

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Customer Service Rep

It's important to be able to listen to your voicemail greeting, tminer55. jav6 gave some great ideas on how to access your greeting. So we can provide all options to do so, what make and model phone do you have? Do you currently access voicemail via *86 or the voicemail application?



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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

Unfortunately, these responses didn't help me. I used *86 to access my voicemail. My voicemail greeting is the standard greeting with my telephone number. There is not an option to hear the voicemail greeting if you choose the standard greeting with telephone number.

As LynnD_VZW said, it is important to be able to listen to your voicemail greeting. Is there a way to listen to the voicemail greeting if your greeting is the standard greeting with your telephone number?

Community Leader
Community Leader

Call your number from another phone?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Well yes, calling from another phone is certainly an option.

I guess I assumed the original post was asking how to listen to your voicemail greeting from your own phone. Which is possible if you use *86 and record a personalized greeting. But not so much if you are using a standard greeting with telephone number.

Someone left me a voice message and said my voicemail greeting was really long. So I tried to listen to my greeting but couldn't since I use the standard greeting with telephone number. I haven't had the opportunity to call my phone from someone else's phone. I was hoping there was a way I could do it with my phone.

Customer Service Rep

Martin_d35, we always want to provide the best options available to you. If you have the standard greeting selected, it certainly shouldn't be that long of a message. We can review options that may be available to listen to the standard greeting from your device. Can you tell us the make/model of the device that you're using as well as the state that you currently live in? Also, please know that you can view voicemail instructions at 



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If my response answered your question please click the _Correct Answer_ button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

Enthusiast - Level 1

The question that's being asked is "how do I listen to my current voicemail greeting?"

Regardless of whether the greeting is a system default or a custom, recorded greeting, the user should be able to listen to that greeting via Voicemail options. There used to be an option for this, for instance "Press 1 to listen to your current greeting. Press 2 to record a new greeting." 

Is this an option somewhere?

Enthusiast - Level 1

There still is no option to listen to my voicemail greeting, how frustrating.

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have a samsung s10e:  Call voicemail like you would to check your messages.  Follow the promps to change your personal options.  Select to change your personal greeting.  It will play your current greeting before giving you the option to change it.

Enthusiast - Level 1

This works now, cool thank you!

Enthusiast - Level 1




Call *86. Then press 4 as soon as it answers or it goes to voicemail. Then press 3 for greeting. Then press 1 to change greeting. Then press 3 to Personal greeting. It will then say...your greeting has been recorded as...You can then listen to your greeting.  Options to change...or Press # if your satisfied

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have the same issue as every other Verizon customer on here. It shouldn't matter which phone you have there should always be an option to review your personal greeting. It was there in the past! It's important to review your greeting to insure if you need to update it or make it clearer or shorter.


Customer Service Rep


I understand this message thread is this a little old, but I want to make sure you have tried the recommendation from MsMagilicutty.

What device do you have? 

What happens when you dial *86 (*VM) to access your voicemail > press 4 for personal options > Press 3 for greetings 

  • Press 3 for greetings and follow instructions


Enthusiast - Level 2

I have an LG K20V. Going through the options does not allow you to listen to your own voicemail message. The options only allow you to record a greeting. So I guess it takes two phones just to listen to your own message. 

I would also like to know how to set up different greetings depending on what time of day it is. This is probably a premium feature but the only options I saw listed was to set up a greeting for different callers not time of day.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I didn't see the other persons post before I made mine. Weird. Anyway. I know this is old but for anyone else having this problem. Here are the specific step by step


Call *86. Then press 4 as soon as it answers or it goes to voicemail. Then press 3 for greeting. Then press 1 to change greeting. Then press 3 to Personal greeting. It will then say...your greeting has been recorded as...You can then listen to your greeting.  Options to change...or Press # if your satisfied

Enthusiast - Level 1

I want to listen to the greeting that is already there 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, gsheltonusno. To clarify, have you tried to call your voicemail? CourtneyM_VZW


The solution to this question has not been satisfied, and it's frustrating to read the answers provided by Verizon support and from others as well.  


1.  From my own phone (Currently Galaxy S20 Ultra, but brand or model shouldn't affect the answer.) Connected to Verizon. 

2. Independently at anytime (Without calling my number from another person's phone.)

3. With or without using free version of Visual voice Mail.

4.  No matter what greeting option I choose (Standard, Personal, or others.)

5. Without setting up a new greeting or changing the greeting in the processs.

I was in computer support for 20 years, I know how to use the product, but I don't see an option to perform this function and this seems to me a simple question to understand.

Question: *********How do you listen to your current voice mail greeting?*****

Is there anyone who can answer this guys question for the rest of us who want the same answer? 

Thank you

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

We are happy to review this with you. What happens when you call *86, and press 4 for personal options, 3 for Greetings, and then 1 to review your Personal Greeting? Does it allow you to listen to your personal greeting, before asking if you wish to edit or change it?

